Crown Royal Whisky (1 Litre)
- Blended Whisky
- Crown
Crown Royal Deluxe is the standard of excellence for Canadian whisky. It is an extraordinary blend of 50 full-bodied Canadian whiskies, matured to perfection.
Appearance: Med caramel.
Nose: Cloying caramel, light fruit, light citrus and a light nuttiness create the initial aroma of this light whisky. Some light notes of raw grain, brown sugar and an ethereal vanilla bring up the rear. The whole thing gets topped off with a funky raw note that makes me wonder what the ratio of young to old whisky is in here.
Taste: Cloying caramel, citrus, vanilla, fruit and a doughy caky quality mix and mingle with a watery sweetness and maple syrup while a brooding raw grain haunts the background.
Finish: Caramel syrup, vanilla, candy corn, watery maple and raw grain bleed out in a long slow finish that turns cloying.
About the Brand: Crown Royal, Canada's leading premium Canadian whisky, has a tradition as rich and distinctive as its taste. The exquisite blend was painstakingly created from 50 selected whiskies to commemorate a grand tour of Canada by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1939 and was placed aboard the Royal train.
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